Perrysburg Rotary Weekly Meeting for April 5, 2024
Join us Friday, April 4, 2024, as we head back to the Carranor and welcome special guest speakers from the Wood County Emergency Management Agency!  We are a few short days away from the April 8th Solar Eclipse and the Wood County EMA will be helping us make the last-minute preparations for this awesome event!
A few meeting notes:
  • As you join us for lunch this week, we respectfully ask that you silence your phones/notifications at the start of program. 

  • If you are paying for your lunch online, ​​​please click here to log into your Rotary Account.  Then click on "My Account Balance" to pay for your lunch.  Lunch is $20.00.  We will also be accepting payment at the meeting by check or exact cash.  A buffet meal will be hosted at the Carranor Club.

A Zoom link for this hybrid meeting will be sent out April 5th at 9:30 am.

Caribbean Masquerade Ball Fundraiser
Our 2024 annual fundraiser is a 1 week away!
  • Thank You for your generosity and support of past Rotary Club Annual Fundraisers. So Awesome! 
  • Thank You to those who have already purchased a sponsorship for this year’s Caribbean Masquerade Ball event. Your continued support and generosity are incredible and sincerely appreciated!
  • Thank You to those who are considering purchasing a sponsorship for this year’s event. Attached are a Caribbean Masquerade Ball event flyer and a Sponsorship Packages offering
Perrysburg Rotary Board and the Perrysburg Rotary Community Foundation
The Perrysburg Rotary Board and the Perrysburg Rotary Community Foundation will both be meeting next week!
The Perrysburg Rotary Board will meet on Wednesday, April 10th (7:00 am) at Scramblers.  
The Perrysburg Rotary Community Foundation will be meeting on Friday, April 12th, directly following the Perrysburg Rotary Weekly Meeting.
If you have specific questions regarding either meeting or would like to attend a meeting, please contact Ashley Lopez via email.
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Tom Cole
April 3
Bob Venzel
April 4
Thomas Lueck
April 30
Gary Holfinger
May 3
Craig Thistlethwaite
May 4
Bill Bohney
May 8
Mark Becker
May 15
Jim Nooney
May 18
Paul Dobson
May 19
Sarah Schoesler
May 26
Laurie Huskisson
Jeffrey Huskisson
April 30
Bob Venzel
Jackie Venzel
May 3
W. Jarman (J) Davis
May 8
Bob Mack
Molly Mack
May 16
Jeffrey Schaller
Mickey Schaller
May 24
Doug Sosko
Kim Sosko
May 30
Join Date
Ritchie Adams
April 13, 1987
37 years
Ashley Lopez
April 21, 2015
9 years
Reeve Kelsey
April 23, 1999
25 years
Jack Sculfort
April 26, 1996
28 years
S. Dwight Osterud
April 27, 2001
23 years
David Smigelski
May 1, 2009
15 years
Kevin Rantanen
May 7, 2009
15 years
Paul Dobson
May 9, 2009
15 years
Bruce Samuelson
May 14, 2009
15 years
Rob Graham
May 14, 2010
14 years
Jim Nooney
May 15, 2009
15 years
Lorena Gloden
May 22, 2009
15 years
Executives & Directors
President Elect
Rotary Foundation
Membership Director
Community Service Director
Immediate Past President
Club Administrator
Club Information
Join us at a weekly meeting!
Service Above Self
Fridays at 11:45 AM
The Carranor Hunt & Polo Club
502 E 2nd St.
Perrysburg, OH 43551
United States of America
District Site
Venue Map
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