Join us Friday, February 9, 2024, as we welcome guest speaker Amanda Kovach from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. This will be part 2 of our H2Ohio and the Clark and Delaware/Horseshoe Islands Restoration Projects program!
Amanda Kovach is the Coastal Management Specialist at the Ohio Department of Natural Resources’ Office of Coastal Management. Her responsibilities include management of grant-funded projects and programs focused on benefits to the Lake Erie Coastal Area (e.g., habitat conservation and restoration, water quality improvement, coastal erosion control, and/or public access enhancement), as well as coordinating the Ohio Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Control Program. In this role, Amanda enjoys engaging with coastal community stakeholders towards the restoration and protection of the many resources Lake Erie provides. Amanda holds her bachelor’s degree in biology with a minor in chemistry from the University of North Texas, and her master’s degree in zoology (emphasis on aquatic toxicology) from Miami University (OH).
A few meeting notes:
As you join us for lunch this week, we respectfully ask that you silence your phones/notifications at the start of program.
If you are paying for your lunch online, please click here to log into your Rotary Account. Then click on "My Account Balance" to pay for your lunch. Lunch is $20.00. We will also be accepting payment at the meeting by check or exact cash. A buffet meal will be hosted at the Carranor Club starting at 11:45am.
A Zoom link for this hybrid meeting will be sent out February 9th at 9:30 am.