Join us Friday, March 15, 2024, as we head to our second Rotary on the Road location, the Way Public Library! We are excited to welcome guest speaker, Rotarian Janel Haas, Executive Director of the Way Public Library!
We are very grateful to have Way Public Library open their doors to us. This is a wonderful opportunity to see and hear about all the wonderful programs and services they offer our community.
A few meeting notes:
As you join us for lunch this week, we respectfully ask that you silence your phones/notifications at the start of program.
If you are paying for your lunch online, please click here to log into your Rotary Account. Then click on "My Account Balance" to pay for your lunch. Lunch is $20.00. We will also be accepting payment at the meeting by check or exact cash. A buffet meal will be hosted at the Way Public Library (Rotary Quiet Room) starting at 11:45am. (Lunch Menu: Sliced Glazed Ham, Salmon With Sweet Chili Sauce, Cheesy Potato Casserole, Steamed Broccoli, and Pasta Salad (Vegetarian)).
A Zoom link for this hybrid meeting will be sent out March 15th at 9:30 am.